Family Office expert Alexander Radosevic attends prestigious event after receiving personal invitation from industry icon Sam Freshman.
Beverly Hills, California – April 6, 2018 – Only weeks after speaking at the well-known Family Office Investment Symposium held annually in Santa Monica, California, Alexander Radosevic, founder and president of Canon Business Properties, was an invited to attend and speak at the 5th Annual Commercial Real Estate Update, Trends, and Networking Symposium held recently in Beverly Hills and hosted by Sam Freshman. The event was also attended by Family Office representatives and others with a strong interest in real estate in the thriving Los Angeles area marketplace. One of only a small number of invited guests, Radosevic joined Stephen Rosenberg (Founder and CEO of Greystone), Stephen’s son Judah Rosenberg (VP of Greystone), and George Koo (CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Clearmark Partners, LLC) on the invite list.
For the fifth year in a row the prestigious commercial real estate event attracted many from the west coast interested in hearing experts such as Mr. Radosevic speak about commercial real estate trends in the marketplace. The event held at the Waldorf Astoria in Beverly Hills.
Industry leaders including Radosevic had open-minded discussions about a myriad of topics, including how the new tax plan, HUD loans and current environmental issues are affecting the real estate market. The advent of cryptocurrency and its effect in the marketplace was also a hot topic of conversation.
“I enjoyed having an opportunity to share some of my thoughts and to hear the perspectives of other industry leaders” Radosevic said. “Being invited to prestigious events such as this is a pleasure, and when time permits I try to attend. I have great respect for the host, Sam Freshman and for others in attendance as well”, he continued.
Conferences such as this are becoming more common as Family Offices and others seek highly qualified advice regarding how to add to or improve their real estate holdings, a special area of expertise for Mr. Radosevic. “Canon has been representing family offices successfully for over two decades and we have never lost a client to a competitor” said Radosevic. “Sharing my expertise with those in attendance was a genuine pleasure and I look forward to the next Sam Freshman-organized event.”
Plans are currently underway for the sixth annual event scheduled for 2019, again offering attendees the chance to gain further updates and insights on the real estate marketplace.
About the 5th Annual Commercial Real Estate Commercial Real Estate Update, Trends, and Networking Symposium
CRE 2018 is a one day event providing ample opportunity for family offices and real estate leaders to discuss the commercial and industrial investment outlook for 2018.
Media Contact: Karen Norris – Karen@CanonProperties.com